PinnedSoft Landing Application On Backward Incompatible APIIf you handle API development for mobile app like I do. I hope you can share me in comment about about it, because there is a problem that…Dec 20, 2021Dec 20, 2021
Laravel: Better Exception HandlingFew years ago Model View Controller (MVC) become a topic that is too hot to be ignore. In few years time, engineers realise that fat…May 9, 2021May 9, 2021
Re-think In-app Purchases FlowsSince last year I has joined a company that is making an app that allow to purchase in app credits that can spend on their services. As I…Mar 3, 2021Mar 3, 2021
How To Build A PHP PackageThe first time I learn to build a PHP package is through a job interview. The technical part required me to build a PHP package with PSR-4…Feb 17, 2019Feb 17, 2019
My Reason To Use GitflowAs the team grow, code versioning and deployment is getting more complicated. Gitflow workflow is a versioning strategy I learned this…Nov 20, 2018Nov 20, 2018